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Interview with Bloom

Image shows front page of Bloom blog

Kelly Fritsch talks with Louise Kinross about the ways We Move Together helps us navigate conversations about ableism.

Interview with Loulou

LouLou on the ground, looking up

Our 4-year-old correspondent Bee Funny recently caught up with Loulou to see what she is all about and how she inspired the cat in We Move Together.

New book trailer!

Someone's arms, adorned with rainbow bangles, reach towards the tops of the trees. Their fingers dance in the air as the sun streams through the branches and lights up the blue sky. A quote appears, “This is the book I’ve been waiting for!” Alice Wong, Founder and Director of the Disability Visibility Project.

We’re very excited to premiere our new book trailer, check it out! We Move Together is out on April 6, 2021 in hard cover and e-book. You can order it now from AK Press, from your favourite bookstore, or ask for it at your local… Read More »New book trailer!